Aligning Body, Mind and Energy to Thrive in an ever Changing World

Every human on Earth - every thing actually - is made up of molecules and atoms which are in constant motion. That motion creates vibrations and the vibrations determine the physical properties of objects, such as their temperature, elasticity and even color.

For instance:

  • Frequency: Different materials vibrate at specific frequencies.

  • Resonance: When something vibrates at its natural frequency, it can amplify energy such as a bridge vibrating in the wind or a wine glass shattering when exposed to a particular pitch.

As you can see, humans vibrate as well. We have mental states associated with brainwave frequencies. There are alpha, beta, theta and delta waves. Our hearts emit an electromagnetic field that can synchronize with others, influencing emotions and energy. Even on a microscopic level, cells vibrate in ways that are essential for functions such as communication and cellular repair.


Of all the things in music, sound - vibration - why this one? Why this tool?

Simply put: CLEFs matter most to our matter.

In music, by using the right clef, composers and arrangers can tailor music to the specific needs of musicians and their instruments.

Clefs ensure that music is notated efficiently for the range of the instrument, be it a hand-held or operated or the artist’s voice. Without clefs, musicians would struggle to interpret pitches, especially when playing instruments with vastly different ranges. The variety of clefs allow for three crucial elements.


Avoiding excessive ledger lines because musicians need to focus on playing, not deciphering notations. A cluttered staff can slow down sight-reading and increase the risk of mistakes.


Supporting the natural range of each instrument or voice. They allow for music to be written in a way that’s most logical for the piece being played or performed.


Using the appropriate clef keeps the notation more concise and easier to follow across multiple systems (lines of music). Musicians can then read and interpret music accurately.

There are four musical clefs: TREBLE. ALTO. TENOR. BASS. The human C.L.E.F. is broken into four parts. CONSCIOUSNESS. LIVELINESS. EVOLVEMENT. FORTITUDE. Each musical clef has a specific function, affecting the vibration in a unique method. We’re no different. Each of us requires a certain amount of CONSCIOUSNESS, to operate at our highest levels. How much LIVELINESS do we need to thrive? Where does EVOLVEMENT come in? And as in music where bass clef ensures the whole show doesn’t collapse, our FORTITUDE holds us together.


Consciousness is the quality of being aware - of ourselves, our surroundings and even external causes or truths. It begins at birth as we start to recognize and react to the world around us. Over time, our environment and our responses to it help us discover who we are and what we are about.

As our Consciousness matures, it deepens our self-awareness. An incredibly lucid knowledge of self allows us to understand our values, beliefs and motivations. It also empowers us to engage meaningfully with Educational, social, political and personal causes. Ultimately, consciousness lays a pathway for the foundation for character we call Liveliness.

Consciousness encompasses self-esteem, social awareness and clarity of thought. It involves being distinct about who we are and how we connect with the broader world, from our homes to our communities and beyond.


Liveliness is the outward expression of our Consciousness. It reflects our energy, vitality, and the animated character we bring to life. Liveliness asks us to consider: How do we want to live? What is our attitude toward life? How do others perceive the essence of who we are?

This pillar grows as we grow, influenced by our physical, mental, and nutritional health. It begins with our internal state - fitness, wellness and spirit - and radiates outward in how we engage with the world. Liveliness is dynamic, shaped by the choices we make and the resilience we show as life unfolds.

It encompasses fitness, vitality, stress management, energy, wellness and the hormonal and emotional balance that sustains us. Liveliness invites us to live authentically, to align our actions with the essence others see in us and the truth we know within ourselves.


Evolvement is the process of continual growth. It is about moving from a simpler state to a more complex one, evolving mentally, physically, emotionally, socially and spiritually. It asks us to reflect: How are we growing in relationship with ourselves? How do we see our place in the world?

Evolvement is about progress -Learning, adapting and unfolding. It challenges us to look at life through a broader lens. What do we understand about money? About time? Have we explored our role beyond the boundaries of our immediate experience?

There is always a next step because we are always growing. Evolvement inspires us to seek out those steps, whether in intellectual pursuits, emotional depth, educational advancement or money habits. It challenges us to align our growth with our essence, becoming more of who we are meant to be.


Fortitude is the mental and emotional strength to endure challenges, adversities, and uncertainties. It is the foundation that supports Consciousness, Liveliness, and Evolvement, anchoring us in difficult times.

Fortitude asks us to consider: What is our base? What are our convictions when life becomes tough? Have we built a foundation strong enough to withstand setbacks? Our blueprint for life—shaped by our values, mindset, and goals—defines our Fortitude.

The experiences we gather from the lens of Consciousness, Liveliness, and Evolvement continuously build our Fortitude, allowing us to recover and rebuild when life tests us - And we will rebuild from the level of our Fortitude. This strength is not about avoiding hardship. Fortitude allows us to face difficulties with resilience, learning from them and emerging stronger.